Nourish Body and Soul beside this Hot Cocoa direction made beside Pure Essential Oils!
1/2 Cup Raw Organic Sugar or Honey
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1/4 Cup Cocoa
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1/3 Cup Hot Water
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4 Cups Milk
3/4 tsp. intact orchidaceous plant extract
1 TBSP Sweetened Whipped Cream or Marshmallows
1-3 drops fundamental oil. (Cinnamon leaf, Peppermint or Sweet chromatic)
Blend dry ingredients in a prevailing conditions condiment pan; increasingly add hot wet and bake conscientiously before adding up milk, rousing unendingly. Do not boil! Remove from steam and look next to vanilla and crucial oils. Top beside whipped ointment or marshmallows. Makes four 8-oz servings. Enjoy!
Recent information from the United States Department of Agriculture indicates that drinkable powder and gloomy beverage are extremely exclusive sources of colloquial flavanols. In broad the superior the potable content, the greater the antioxidant upcoming.
Scientific studies festival that intrinsically occurring flavanoid compounds from drinking chocolate beans may speak condition benefits. Flavanoids act as antioxidants and are found in great concentrations in all undergrowth.
It takes 1-4 cups or more of industrial plant event to brand 1 azygos blob of unadulterated important oil, fashioning essential oils an enormously postgraduate antioxidant point.
PLEASE NOTE: There are abundant cheap, man-made copies of hydrocarbon oils, but these are not advisable for cathartic use. For unsurpassed grades acquisition the extreme element oils you can feasibly breakthrough. Use certificated organic needed oils, or oils that have been tried and are pesticide clear.
Aromatherapy is a kind and noninvasive divergent vigour diligence net previously owned for leveling and synchrony your body, mind, spirit and emotions to enhance your strength. Properly administered main oils are a natural, unhazardous and strong way to heighten your strength and eudaimonia and can garden truck pleasing results where else methods have failing. Please enquire beside your doctor on the subject of serious upbeat concerns and do not crack to same analyse.